If life doesn't offer a game worth playing, then invent a new one.”

The Milkman

CRank: 6Score: 27160

I understand you may not have enough time to play 100hundred hours. But the thing is no one said that you had to play that 100hours to be able to access the downloadable content.

The DLC is just extra content for extra entertainment in the game.

5939d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im sure downloadable content isnt going to hurt my wallet. I invested enough into next gen gaming for that to even scratch the total.

5940d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its not Rockstar owes sony lol... GTA boast the sells of any console it touches. Either way the debts have all been paid on both sides. But yea Im not reading the excuse comments on this topic.

Anyway Im going to enjoy extra gameplay and get the DLC when it releases.

5940d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Shenmue was an awesome game but I never got to beat it :(.. I had rented it and took it back before I could finish. It would have been worth renting again but I decided not to at the time for some reason. I wish the come out with an updated version for the next gen consoles.

Conkers Bad Fur Day was an awesome game in single player and multiplayer. I couldnt get enough of the squirl war on the N64. I had fun setting them on the highest difficulty and trying to blow there head off ...

5943d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You got a sh*tty computer dont download it, being there is alot of retards in this world that think there computer can run anything. Otherewise it works just fine for me. I honestly dont see whats wrong with it.

Its newer version of windows! Its not such a huge step up, but it will come along.

5945d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sucks but understandable..... Would have been awesome to relive the GoldenEye on XBLA.

I want Duke Nukem 3D on XBLA out of everything. But I dont think it will ever happen.

5952d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If EA ever messed up GTA.. They wouldnt deserve a reward, but an ass whoopin. Dont be trying to stick your hand in this honey pot.

5952d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I will probably be playing it still after a 100hr of gameplay. Then I have the DLC to hand over even more playing time after Im done.

Hell yea.

5953d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I read the previews and it just got me even more hyped. This game is going to be tight as hell. Seems like they are giveing me pretty much everything that I ask for out of GTA. I wanted them to bump up the NPCs fighting difficulty. Get boring after you just beat everyones ass without any complications lol.

Once I read that he shot the cab driver through the window, and he fell over and hit the gas pedal and crashed into him.... I was sold on how they bumped up the realism.

5953d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They need to introduce this to porn..

5954d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It doesnt matter if you like to chat with a friend during a game or not. You have to realize that if you are not the only person that should be satified. If Sony wants to satisfy the owners of Ps3 and keep them, they got to give them those choices. I dont see why they couldnt add XMB it shouldnt make you have to pay for online. Xbox Live still supports private chatting with silver membership (free = you no pay for it sir).

I like being able to play a game, and if at anytime my ...

5958d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not even private chat... Well you better hope your buddy is playing the same game as you if you want to carry on a conversation.

5958d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I dont realy care if they add sex in the game or not. Now back in the day when I was less mature, hell yea I want to see 3d tits and ass. But now it doesnt matter I would only like it for the atmosphere of the game. I like to see gore, blood, and good physics more than anything now.

If Gears Of War wasnt a slaughter fest online, it wouldnt be nearly as entertaining. Just not a game made for young audience. If sex fits the atmosphere of the game being developed so be it. But be exp...

5958d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats awesome it mimics reality real well. I could tell easier that the people where fake, than I could anything else.

5958d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wish they would just make a DBZ game where you could go online, and just have an all out war with more than 4 people at a time. Also have it where you could go anywhere on the map with 1000s of possible outcomes, and fully destructable.

Then have Coop modes where you and your friends team up to fight legendary enemys. Then spar with a friend to level up to learn new moves, and have a better fighting chance. Otherwise your toast without training. They could just do so much better ...

5958d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like some PC games, but some dont support controllers very well. Such as FFXI online I rather play it on console.

Some people can easily use keyboard and mouse to play PC games. Me I'm just to damn lazy to take the time to get adjusted to it. Ill stick to mostly console unless I have to play the game on PC.

5958d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

They might be extra missions, but does these extra missions unlock alot of special things in the game? We dont know maybe it allows you to unlock a little private island, or perhaps new places in the city. Maybe even bigger than that, but the game has not even been released yet to give any info of the DLC.

5958d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly how does anyone get every dreamcast game factory sealed in the first place?

5959d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dont be shocked if the DLC is not free. But it should be worth buying if MS paid 50mil to get the DLC exclusive. You dont ever see DLC for most games for free on marketplace(Rarely).

5959d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The best expansions (For Xbox 360, and PS3) I have seen on a game yet would have to be Oblivions. If this is true and expands the gameplay with download content for GTA IV like it did with Oblivion. Then I'm going to have to recommend the Xbox 360 version of GTA IV.

5959d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment